Saturday, October 5, 2013

Io Tornato a Presto Italia.

Well I have officially been stateside for a few months now and I must say I miss Italy very much. I just wanted to post one last time  to reflect about my study abroad experience. Spending six weeks in Italy completely changed my life. I learned so much, saw so much, and experienced so much. It was worth all the work, penny pinching, and time I spent in preparation and then some. Walking amongst so much history and culture was so enriching and my heart aches with longing at the thought of the cobblestone streets and tiny coffees. 
I lived in Rome for six weeks so here are 6 things that stick out to me:
1. The most surprising thing about studying abroad was how comfortable I felt in a place I didn't know and couldn't speak the language. I was really surprised by how fast I fell in love with Rome. 
2. The best part about studying abroad was being completely immersed in another culture. There is no better way to experience a place. It is also an amazing opportunity or excuse to do whatever you want because lets face it nobody knows you! 
3. The hardest part of studying abroad was coming home. There are many challenges of studying abroad from the paperwork to the bus strikes every other day; but by far the hardest part was coming back. Leaving such an amazing place that I loved was the hardest thing I have ever done, and I can only bear it because I know I will go back. 
4. The best view in Italy is always from the Duomo or dome of churches. From the Duomo of Florence to the top of St. Peter's Basilica it's worth the Euro to climb to the top. 
5. One of my favorite Italian things is when I would see people riding their vespas, driving with one hand and using the other to talk to their passenger behind them. :) 
6. I think the most important thing I took away from my time in Italy is that it is ALWAYS worthwhile to pursue your dreams. To experience the world is to live and in the future I hope if my life holds nothing else that I get to see the world. Rome will always hold a piece of my heart. I think this quote describes it perfectly: 
"You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing another place." 

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